The atheist, thiest debate is interesting to me because, when I wake up each day, or go about my activities, I don't think about myself as an atheist. Of course that is exactly what I am, but I don't view myself in those terms. I attend a Presbyterian church with my wife and kids, listen to the sermons and the wonderful music. But I never view the sermons as anything more than mythology. But I do see numerous charitable activities being done by the church (and other churches) for people in need in our community and in foreign countries and view them as a good thing, regardless the motives. I see myself and believers as part of the same larger community, the difference is that they believe and I don't.
My kids enjoy Sunday School with their friends and probably learn things from the Bible that shouldn't be taken literally, but they will be able to sort those things out when they are adults. For now, they are learning some moral lessons that I think they need as well as a sense that those of us who have, have a responsibility to help those who don't have. Sure they can learn these things in a secular setting, but the issue really isn't where they learn them, but that they learn them. Another benefit to church attendance for adults is the concept of networking with others in the community who might help you in your career or business.
As a JW, I was taught to have contempt and distrust for "church" people. I believed that they were insincere and not to be trusted. Well I can tell you that the people I've met in traditional churches are just like people I meet in the secular world. Some phoney and some sincere. Some with ulterior motives and some without. So for me, being an atheist is just a matter of intellectual honesty. It must have been similar in ancient Greece and Rome where the masses believed in the pantheon of gods and goddesses, but some didn't.
I have disagreements with the extreme elements of any religion, whether Christian, Jewish or Islamic. I don't want religion determining life choices for me. But I don't view atheism for me as an us against them scenario.
I am not suggesting that anyone else attend church because I really don't think it's something one should suggest to others. I just don't have a problem as an unbeliever, associating with believers.